Businesses can benefit from aid and support from regional organizations; these constitute welcome portals on a local level and are made up of people from the private sector as well as the municipalities which finance them to a large extent. These readily available infrastructures offer information, steering, and consultancy in the fields of economic promotion and the creation and development of businesses. They support companies in their cantonal and municipal administrative procedures and put them in touch with organizations that can best meet their specific needs. Furthermore, they devise regional development strategies and manage a database of the land and premises in their area. They also enable businesses to create synergies amongst themselves by organizing networking meetings and events. The activities of the regional organizations – which amount to 10 in the canton – are organized under the umbrella of the Coordination of the Economic Development of the Canton of Vaud (CODEV).
Ch. De Penguey 1B 1162 Saint-Prex 021 862 22 75
Supporting economic dynamism
Developing projects
294 municipalities represented
1'500 companies members
80 people at the service of the Vaud economy
The CODEV (Coordination du développement économique vaudois) is an association under private law which groups together the 10 regional economic associations of the canton of Vaud. These associations carry out their activities within the framework of the law on support for economic development (LADE) and, as such, are recognised as being of public utility. They represent economic regions and are the gateway to any regional economic project.
CODEV is a platform for exchange between the regional economic associations and a place for steering joint actions. By working together within CODEV, the economic regions have complementary means and tools at their disposal: